艷陽加勒比,天天都是地球日Commentary: Every day is Earth Day ...
由 Kai-Chi 發表於 週五 4月 27, 2007 3:39 pm

艷陽加勒比,天天都是地球日Commentary: Every day is Earth Day in the Caribbean

編譯侯美如整理報導 台灣立報


在環保意識抬頭的潮流中,地球日終於在1970年問世,而加勒比各大私營飯店為維護環保盡心也已逾10載,其中,不少地方商家都參與「綠色地球」及ISO 14001等國際認可的旅遊業生態標識,在評估環保、汙染及消費需要同時有效管理業務,確實降低對地球的傷害。目前「加勒比旅店協會」共有47家「綠色地球」認可企業,領先全球,他們保護空氣、土壤和水道不受有毒化學物及廢料的污染,使用環保能源、減少溫室氣體排放量,在這裡,終年都是環保日。







Each year, April 22 marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Many countries around the world celebrate this day with special activities and community events. In the Caribbean, the hotel and tourism industry is taking Earth Day way beyond a commemorative day, to a philosophy for doing business responsibly.

Looking back, Caribbean hotels have been responding to climate change for more than a decade. Several have led the regional private sector in mitigating environmental impacts through their participation in Green Globe or ISO 14001 certification programs. In fact, the Caribbean leads the world, as a region, with 47 Green Globe certified properties. These 47 properties, all members of the Caribbean Hotel Association, are transforming Earth Day into Earth Year-Round. Their operations have become progressively more efficient and competitive, while contributing to a sustainable future for all of us - protect our air, soil and waterways from toxic chemicals, harmful substances, and excess waste; reducing greenhouse gases responsible for global warning by investing in clean energy.

Their work to protect our earth has earned them not just accolades in our own backyard, but international recognition as well: Sandals and Beaches; Tiamo Resort in Bahamas; Almond Resorts; Amsterdam Manor Beach Hotel in Curacao; and 3 Rivers Ecolodge in Dominica, among many others.

Their practices are exemplary - significant, yet simple. Take the Hotel Mocking Bird in Jamaica, which recently announced its "Heavenly Honeymoon" package, whereby the hotel offsets their guests' calculated carbon footprint by contributing to the local Jamaican Conservation Development Trust - an entity that uses satellite imagery to work against the deforestation of a national park, planting fast-growing trees with little lumber value, but excellent for biodiversity.

Meanwhile, at the 3 Rivers Ecolodge, all kitchen and garden waste is turned into compost, to grow organic food on the property, irrigated in turn by treating gray water and then re-using it - a smooth chain that in swiftly does without the use of chemicals or fertilizers and reduces water consumption, as well as waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

This approach to doing business, along with other efforts by tourism stakeholders across the region, contribute to making the Caribbean tourism industry one that removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it adds.

As an exercise in awareness, take a look at the tourism industry in your country; you will find that much is being done - but much is still to be done. The Prime Minister of Barbados, Rt. Honorable Owen Arthur, in his Budget Speech of March 14th 2007, leads the way among Caribbean leaders by promising to transform Barbados into a green economy, with more responsible and sustainable consumption. He has given great incentive for the private sector to participate by providing a tax write off of 150% of the cost of participating in the Green Globe standards and certification program for travel and tourism businesses.

Moving forward, private and public sectors - the Caribbean Hotel Association and the Caribbean Tourism Organization, are jointly driving a series of meetings with travel stakeholders and partners in Europe to consider in practical terms how the current international focus on climate change will impact upon the Caribbean - the issues, the challenges, and the opportunities for the hotel and tourism industry in our region. In the long term, our aim is to ensure that the schemes to manage the carbon - emitting impact of travel, rather than putting our region at a disadvantage, fosters the growth and development of Caribbean nations.

Here at home, this is ultimately everyone's business - a holistic approach, where household, road transport, agriculture, and other industries' practices are incorporated into efforts to for a cleaner, safer, healthier environment and a sustainable future for all of us. Together, we can grow a greener economy that is based on protecting, respecting, and working within the boundaries of our region's natural systems and finite resources.

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