How can we help stop global warming?

by MaShow on Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:06 pm

My dear friends,

I would like to begin a conversation about the things we can all do in our daily lives, to help reduce our individual contribution to climate change.

In English, we call this our "carbon footprint". This is the amount of carbon dioxide each of us creates every day.

Each day, what we do (and what we forget to do), how we travel, what we buy, even what eat, all contributes to global warming.

For instance, if I eat a piece of fruit which is locally grown in Taiwan, instead of a piece of fruit which is shipped to Taiwan from Australia, I will reduce my "carbon footprint" by eating the local fruit.

There are so many things we can do in our everyday life, so I would like to name a few simple things, and I want you all to continue this conversation by replying to this topic, and adding your own ideas.

Together, I hope we can reduce our "carbon footprint" and help slow down global warming.


Re: How can we help stop global warming?

by MaShow on Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:18 pm

OK... here are a few ideas, just to get the conversation started:

1) Walk, ride a bicycle, or use public transportation.

2) Change your light bulbs to energy-efficient bulbs, and turn off all the lights in your house when you don't need them.

(Please note: some low-energy bulbs have mercury inside, so please make sure you know how to recycle or dispose of them safely.)

3) Turn off the lights in the hallways of your apartment building when you leave each day, and use the stairs instead of the elevator so you can turn off the lights on the floors below you. Maybe your neighbours will also get the idea.

4) Unplug your notebook's AC adapter and your phone charger when they are not in use. These all continue to use energy even when your phone is not connected and your computer is turned off.

5) Become a vegetarian... this is not only a good thing for the animals which suffer, but it can also reduce your carbon footprint very much. Raising animals for meat creates a huge amount of carbon, because of all the grain needed to feed the animals, the forests which are burned to make more room to grow the grain, and the energy used by the livestock factories. This is becoming a very srerious issue as more people are eating meat in the world. Being a vegetarian can save forests, and it cut down on green house gas emissions... and it is more healthy for you.

OK... I will let you continue with your own ideas, and I will be very interested to learn from you!!!


Re: How can we help stop global warming?

by HonigBiene on Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:15 pm are some of my ideas:

1) Bring your own chopsticks and spoon while you eat out
2) Bring your own bottle of water from home instead of buying water from 7-11
3) Thoroughly recycling at home

That's all I can thought of so far.....


Re: How can we help stop global warming?

by MaShow on Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:48 pm

Those are great suggestions!

You remind me about some of the things I also do in restaurants, besides bringing chopsticks:

1. Ask for real glasses and dishes, if you are given plastic ones;

2. Ask the server not to give you a straw with your drink BEFORE it comes;

3. If you see Shark Fin Soup on the menu, tell the manager you are one of many people who oppose this food because it is causing the extinction of sharks, and leave the restaurant.

In fact, if I walk by a restaurant and see Shark Fin Soup being promoted, I will go inside and tell the manager I oppose the a dish.

And if I am at a dinner and Shark Fin Soup is served, I will refuse it, and try to politely tell the host that I am opposed to the dish, and why.

Keep the ideas coming!!!


Re: How can we help stop global warming?

by Kai-Chi on Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:57 pm

It's a very short message for this topic.

1. Do not use an air conditioner in summer at home and try to use an electric fan instead.

2. Think before I buy something. That means, just purchase something I need, not something I want. Too much greed would make extra and unnecessary waste to this world.

3. Resource substitution development is an urgent demand. The resource on earth is limited and would be exhaustible one day. The most important of all, if we develop substitue resource which is natural and environmentally friendly, the less damage we would make to the earth.

Re: How can we help stop global warming?

by Anita on Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:02 pm

Try to bike or take public transportation (car pool) everyday;
Bring one bottle of water with you;
Do not use disposable chopsticks;
Do not buy unnecessary luxury.




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