April 22 - How long does it take to change a light bulb?
by MaShow on Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:31 pm

Happy Earth Day?... I'm sorry to rain on the parade, but aren't we long past such a celebratory slogan? I mean, we have long known that Global Warming is really happening -- and happening much faster than expected -- and that the consumption of fossil fuels is the leading cause. Even the most thick-headed sloths in the Bush administration do not contest this any longer, although they choose to ignore it.

And so I fail to see the cause for celebration.

While finishing a music project here in Taipei, I read in the local newspaper about how local governments plan to recognize Earth Day with a few token actions such as turning off lights and elevators during lunch hour and using public transportation. The City of Kaohsiung even plans to replace all light bulbs in public buildings with energy saving brands within three years.

I beg your pardon? What was that? Three years to replace light bulbs??? Wow! Now that is government in-action!!!

And how about those public servants and politicians using public transportation once in a year? Well, thank you for loving this Earth so much that you actually do something to save it once in 365 days! With this type of behavior, we can kiss this place goodbye!

Meanwhile in the same newspaper, it was reported that the newly elected government led by Taiwan President-elect Ma Ying-jeou is eager to reengage the Tai Chao Project, which involves oil exploration in the Taiwan Straight in a cooperative venture between Taiwan's government-owned Chinese Petroleum Corporation and China's government-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation.

Never mind that oil is the leading cause of Global Warming, because at USD $120-per-barrel, it sure is tasty!!!
在同一份報紙裡,我也注意到另一個消息。剛剛出爐的台灣新政府,也就是馬英九政府,馬上急著宣稱要和中國重新啟動所謂的「Tai Chao」計畫,這個計畫包括在台灣海峽的「石油探測」,這項充滿投機睹注的計畫將由台灣的「中油公司」和中國國有延海石油公司共同合作。管它什麼「石油是全球暖化的元凶」了,反正一桶原油美金120元。這樣做,夠有吸引力了吧!

But fear not! This coming administration has announced a new environmental policy for Earth Day. After taking office next month, energy taxes will be increased for all Taiwan citizens to discourage excessive consumption.

As you are surely thinking right now, the greatest beneficiary of this plan is not the Earth, but the government who just loves to retrieve your money.

Beyond this, there are no plans announced for legislating stricter energy conservation for new building construction, or better automobile fuel consumption standards, or rebates for the purchasing of hybrid cars, or using alternative fuel for public transportation... or... or... or...

Human Beings have lived upon this Earth for hundreds-of-thousands, if not millions of years. We can easily look back through thousands of years of documented human history. Yet today, we are unable to imagine how future
generations can survive the next 50 to 100 years. And we certainly have no plan for generations who should share this planet thousands of years from now.

The most fearsome animal in the forest is a mother, and yet what kind of species are we, that we fully conceive how our actions are destroying the future of our own children but still we continue our destructive behavior.

We live in a world where corporations and their markets are dictating government policy, waging wars, and determining the value of everything from food to oil. The rich profit from the heartless law of supply-and-demand, while the poor get poorer and the hungry starve in greater numbers.

CNN is reporting today that those people with good intentions to save the Earth by promoting Biofuels such as Ethanol as an alternative to oil, are actually causing more climate change than the Biofuels counteract due to the clearing of rainforests to grow the crops used for Biofuel production.

It is no wonder that CNN -- a massive news company owned by Time Warner Inc. -- is missing the point. It is not those with good intentions who are in error. It is the profiteers who embrace Biofuel crop production. Crops for Biofuels have become a commodity which is not used for stopping climate change, but is used instead by farming corporations to earn big profits.
Time Warner Inc.所擁有的這個巨大媒體公司CNN會有這樣的報導並不令人意外,然而,CNN錯了,但那些有心保護地球的人並沒有錯。牟取暴利的奸商抓住機會,將農作物生產為有機燃料變成「商品」後,它已經不是拿來當成阻止氣候變遷的工具,而事實上卻成為「農產公司」獲取暴利的手段。

Greed has once again scuttled a much needed plan to save the Earth.

As I contemplate the meaning of this day, I discover the best that Earth Day can bring is the revelation of how little we care about our planet 364 days out of 365.

Imagine the Hitler administration of Nazi Germany promoting an annual Jewish Appreciation Day when people of Jewish descent are not executed. But for the remaining 364 days, the genocide continues.

Do I think this is this an extreme example? Absolutely not. We are committing global biocide, eliminating countless species who had every right to live on this Earth. They have evolved beside us from the time when life began. And yet today, one species becomes extinct every hour.
你認為這是個極端的例子嗎?絕對不是! 我們有義務承擔責任,因為我們過去一直以大量的殺蟲劑、抗生素等有毒物質,消滅了許多和我們一樣有權利住在地球上的物種。地球自從有生命開始,這些物種便和人類一起進化,而今,其他物種的滅絕事件卻無時不刻地上演著!

As politicians think about changing a light bulb sometime in the coming years, I hope more of us will make every day Earth Day in our actions. Let April 22 be the one day when we remember those thousands of species we wiped out during the preceding year.

Let it become International Mourn The Earth Day.

The human species is capable of both conceiving this global crisis, and of experiencing a certain quality known as love. Only when these two join together and create action, can we believe in a future for our children and understand what Earth Day truly means.

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